KI Wildlife Updates from Hanson Bay and Pelican Lagoon

KI Wildlife Updates from Hanson Bay and Pelican Lagoon

SAVEM would like to share some positive news from Kangaroo Island. Although this news was received prior to the impact of COVID19 upon all of us, we believe it is important not to lose sight of the events which shaped our lives earlier in the year during the horrific...
SAVEM 2019-2020 Activation Day 52

SAVEM 2019-2020 Activation Day 52

As usual at this point in a major bushfire activation, SAVEM has plenty of work still to do. Only yesterday, a burned kangaroo required euthanasia at the Cudlee Creek fireground, and during this last week on Kangaroo Island the SAVEM team checked several sites...
SAVEM Deployment Day 36

SAVEM Deployment Day 36

Today marks the 36th day of the current continuous deployments which began on 20 December 2019, at Cudlee Creek and at the Kangaroo Island fires. SAVEM teams have rotated throughout this time, rostering and resting 20 participating volunteers. As in previous major...
Kangaroo Island fires Day 19

Kangaroo Island fires Day 19

SAVEM has enjoyed collaborating with several other agencies during this Activation. RSPCA, DEW, KI Vets and Joint Task Force have joined forces in the SAVEM Tent to deliver positive veterinary outcomes for the Island’s wildlife. To help Parndana in its return to...
Kangaroo Island fires day 12

Kangaroo Island fires day 12

Day 12 saw SAVEM Team 5 (pictured below) deployed to Kangaroo Island. We are forever grateful to Simon Hackett who has flown SAVEM vets and nurses to and from Kingscote in his PC12 aircraft. Simon also donated the SAVEM Tent seen in the photographs below. Manufactured...
Kangaroo Island fires day 10

Kangaroo Island fires day 10

Yesterday was a “first” for SAVEM – the SAVEM Hackett Foundation inflatable field triage and treatment centre was deployed for the first time outside a training environment. There was much debate as to where the Tent would be best utilised. The still...